Crew Truck Services
- Fluid Hauling (Oil , Glycol, etc.)
- Shutdowns and Turnarounds
- PSV Removal and Install
- Valve Removal and Reinstall
- Flange Torqueing
- Spool and Piping Repair and Modification (Welded)
- Piping Bolt-Up and Pipe Fitting (Threaded)
- General Maintenance (Cleanup, Spill Removal, etc.)
Pipeline Construction
- Trenching
- Pipeline Welding
- Sleeve Shrinking and Jeep Repair
- Lowering in Pipelines
- Blinding and Pressure Testing
- Bolting of Flanged Pipes
- Torqueing of Spools
- General Maintenance, Cleanup
Wellsite Layout, Pile Pinning & Install
- Cutting and Capping Piles
- Setting Equipment with Pickers
- Pressure Testing Piping and Spools
- Bolt-up of Piping and Spools
- Valve Installs and Changes
- Torqueing of Spools and Valves
Welding Services, Vessel & Boiler Repair
- In Yard and Field
- Repair or Alterations of Existing Pressure Vessels
- Repair of Power Boilers and Heating Boilers
- Building Spools and Piping
- Fabrication of Landings, Stairs, etc.
- Paint Bay for Fabricated Parts
- Pressure Testing Shop
- Bolting of Spools
CWB | Technical Safety BC | ABSA Certified
All In accordance with: ASME B31.1 Power Piping, ASME B31.3 Process Piping, ASME B31.9 Building Services Piping and ASME Sections I, IV, VIII DIV.1
Oil Batteries
- Fluid Hauling (Oil, Chemical, etc.)
- Shutdowns and Turnarounds
- Blinding of Piping
- Vessel Entry
- PSV Removal and Install
- Bolt-up and Torqueing
- Spool Replacement and Alteration (Welded)
- Pipefitting (Threaded)
- General Maintenance (Cleanup, Spill Removal, etc.)
- Pump Changes
Water Injection Stations
- Chemical Hauling
- Blinding
- Shutdowns and Turnarounds
- PSV Removal and Install
- Tank Repair
- Filter Changes
- Piping and Spool Repair and Alterations
- Pump Changes
- Torqueing
- General Maintenance
- Wellsite Construction
- Welding of Spools
- Shutdowns and Turnarounds
- PSV Removal and Install
- Spool and Piping Repair and Alteration
- Valve Changes
- Vessel Entry
- Bolting and Torqueing
Pipeline Abandonment
- Pigging and Cleaning of Pipelines
- Pipeline Excavation
- Cutting and Capping Pipelines
- Backfilling
- General Cleanup
Refrigeration Plants
- Shutdowns and Turnarounds
- PSV Removal and Install
- Spool and Piping Repair and Alteration
- Valve Changes
- Vessel Entry
- Bolting and Torqueing
General Oilfield Site Maintenance
- Light Cat Work (Lease Repair, Road Repair, Snow Removal, etc.)
- Gravel Hauling
- Excavator Work (Pipelines, Site Work, Road Repair)